It was many years ago, but I had a really, really bad broken leg from a horseback riding accident. My doctor said it was the worst break he has seen outside of the military, and i was not able to walk for most of the year after it happened.
I was getting on the horse and she spooked and started bucking, so I started to step back off, and her hind foot came crashing down on my leg and totally shattered it right through my cowboy boot.
It was popped open like a broken hot dog !
I was in the hospital for almost a week, and then they did another operation and put big metal pins through my leg above and below the break while the outside wound healed.
Once that was healed, then they put me back in the hospital for another week and took the pins out and put a cast on that went all the way up my leg, and I had that for several more months, before it was finally healed enough for a walking boot.
It was NOT a fun experience, and I am glad I never broke anything else in my life.